In Production


May - 2023

In May and June 23, for almost a month, our film crew travelled to Rio de Janeiro and made the city its home and work base to begin shooting phase for our new Star+ project. After almost two years of research, the last six/seven months were spent in development and pre-production, with our teams working hard on the scripts and to establishing a solid look&feel concept for the whole show. Last thing was calling our documentary crew, fixing everything ang getting ready to roll.


In Rio, we had many different film locations, spreading through the city, in the center, north, south and west zones. DoP is Janice D’Ávila, art director: Fernanda Carlucci, digital art: Vini Kahan, sound: Pedro Sá Earp, scriptwriters: Nathalia Guinet & Laura Artigas, editing script: Thiago Mattar, research: Bruna Rodrigues, development: Gabriela Matarazzo, executive producers: Luísa Adegas & Renata Grynszpan, producers: Beto Gauss & Francesco Civita, for Prodigo Films. In the end of June we start filming our second leg of shooting in São Paulo. And in July we get back to Rio to finish filming.



April - 2023

Beginning in April, my new documentary ‘Iron Society’ hits its editing stage with Eduardo Gripa – award winner editor with important works under his belt (“Me chama que eu vou”, “A Viagem de Pedro”, “Democracia em Vertigem”). The film tells the story of Mariana and Brumadinho mining tragedies only to broaden the scope, discussing our concepts of ‘progress’ and ‘development’, and the role of economy and the so called globalization with their impacts on our post-modern society. ‘Iron Society’ is a Prodigo Films production in association with Globo Filmes and GNews. More updates in a few weeks…


Writers Room begins its activities for new Star+ TV series

January - 2023

After many months of research and preparation, Prodigo Films officially begins its new non-fiction TV Series project, with development and scriptwriting teams working together with Star+, our great streaming partners for this one. It’s a beautiful and strong story, with intimate-poetic and investigative overtones.


Our meetings began reviewing strategies and studies developed throughout 2022, discussing characters, narratives, artistic approach and first sketches for our 4-episode series.

Our team has Gabriela Matarazzo as head of development, Ana Herman as development assistant, Bruna Rodrigues, Larissa Yamassaki & Thiago Mattar as researchers, Luisa Adegas & Cris Alves as our production team, Renata Grynszpan as executive producer, Laura Artigas & Nathalia Guinet as writers and Eduardo Rajabally as director.

More and detailed information on this exciting new project soon…


December - 2022

Iron Society (working title / GloboFilmes-GloboNews) is a feature film project that started in 2016 when the tragic Mariana (MG) mud spill destroyed the small village of Bento Rodrigues killing many of its inhabitants. It was considered the worst environmental tragedy in history. Story and project development took more time than estimated and then the Brumadinho (MG) mud flow happened in 2019. Our crew arrived on site a few days later to document the rescue teams on their heroic efforts to find hundreds of people that dessapeared beneath the mud waves.


Four years and a world pandemic crisis later, here we are, keeping up with this important documentary, but now trying to understand all that happened years ago from a broader perspective. Globalization, big corps, democracy, identity, climate changes and so many others themes are now thrown into the mix and discussions.


We began by listening to some of the most influential and creative thinkers, some of them dedicating their lives to the comprehension of the most important issues of our lifetime. More to come soon…!


November - 2022

“SobreVivências” project traveled in November to Goiás, on the central part of the country, to meet farmers and cattle ranchers and discover how climate change is affecting their business. The results are frightening: crops lost, unstable rain fall, poor soils… Global Warming is now an unescapable truth, but its most devastating consequences have not reached this region yet. According to a farmer who keeps track and records very accurately rainfall patern on the region “when the worst consequences reach us here it will be too late. We must do something before that happens”.


The documentary crew also visited Nerópolis (GO), a 30,000 inhabitants city, where a pioneer project wants to eliminate food waste. Comida Invisível (Invisible Food) is an idea that uses every city structure (personnel, recovery network, distribution centres) to recover food that would be otherwise throw away and distribute it to the most vulnerable citizens. They hope to make Nerópolis a “zero food waste” city, the first in the country, and then replicate the concept through the country.

“SobreVivências” is a documentary series that discusses the most important challenges of this century: climate change, food waste and production, city solutions, social inequality and vulnerability, circularity, social inclusion, economy etc. More information about its conclusion and exhibition soon.


October - 2022

“SobreVivências” is a new tv series that deals with some of the most challenging themes of the 21st century, such as climate change, food waste, circular economy, food production, urban planning etc. The production began in October its second shooting flight, with characters and their profound stories of survival and struggle for change.

The crew visited Jardim Colombo and Jardim Ampliação, in São Paulo’s Morumbi neighborhood – one of the city’s richest areas and at the same time home to some of the biggest slums in Brazil. These extremely poor people suffer already from what has been called “Climate Apartheid”, where vulnerable citizens suffer first the consequences of global warming.


Our team exposes the horrible conditions in which they live, but at the same time the series offers ideas, projects and solutions already beeing tested – a possible way out. Pink Farm is what you may call a vertical urban farm, producing quality food inside the metropolis and reducing water consumption, using circular techniques and avoiding food waste and burning fossil fuels with transportation from distant traditional farm locations to the cities.



“SobreVivências” is a Tocha Films production.

Shooting is over for Sound Architects series!

August - 2022

Shooting of my latest series Sound Architects about some of the top musical instrument makers in Brazil ended on August 22th. After traveling around the country, the project finished its filming phase at the studio, in São Paulo, recording some great talented artists presenting their instruments: inventive guitar player Monica Agena, “musical archeologist” and viola player Dagma Eid (presenting stringed instruments from the 16th, 17th and 19th centuries), creative performer and master percussionist Kabé Pinheiro and a beautiful renaissance/medieval trio.


The series is a Grifa Films Production, with Tiago SilvaCam (DoP), Juliana Belluomini & Erica Suzumura (Production), Adriano Pereira (Research) and Sound Recording by Moisés Brasil. Original Idea, Script and Direction by Eduardo Rajabally. Editing starts in two weeks by Gustavo Ribeiro. The project will be finished by the end of 2022. Stay tuned for updates on this beautiful series!


Sound Architects is on filming mode

July - 2022

Filming of this new series began on July 26th, telling the stories of some of the most famous and refined luthiers in Brazil – top quality muscial instrument makers. Each of the four episodes presents one family of instruments: classic, exotic and traditional, percussive and electric. The episodes will also have professional musicians in studio demonstrating the sounding qualities of these precision instruments. Shooting is happening in São Paulo, Paraná and Minas Gerais. Production by Grifa Films.


“SobreVivências”: series begins its production in studio

June - 2022

From June 20th to 24th, a new Tocha Films production began in studio with a series of very inspiring expert interviews. The project investigates the main challenges our planet faces in this new millenium: climate change, food production and food waste, renewable energy, life in the metropolis, mobility, consumerism etc. The idea is to discuss possible solutions for a more circular future. Among facts and philosophical thinking, our guests include: Luiz Marques, Paulina Chamorro, Amanda Costa, Tereza Campello, Helio Mattar, Gui Brammer, Felipe Faria, Daniela Leite,  João Paulo Capobianco, Leonardo Lima, Weber Amaral, Raquel Cardamone, Ester Carro and many more!

This is the project’s first flight. Ahead of us are more than 50 shooting days all around Brazil, and a second round of studio interviews. The series is a Tocha Films production, directed by me, produced by Sylvio Rocha, executive production by Marcos Okura, production direction by Nathália Gouvêa, Script by Gui Stockler, Cinematography by Dado Carlin and AD and research by Adriana de Almeida Gomes.


Documentary series on the art of Brazilian musical instrument crafstmen begins its research and development stages

May - 2022



“Sound Architects” is a new and exciting doc series that presents some of the most importante luthiers in the country. Its four 30-minute episodes will showcase their technical and artistic skills, as well as the history behind their knowledge and each instrument they are capable of build.

It is a sonic travel throughout Brazil!

New series on the challenges of the 21st Century begins research and development stages

May - 2022


Produced by Tocha Films – a production house whose speciality is to develop contents connected to the worlds most pressing challenges and sustainable issues – this 12 episode series delves into the newest projects and ideas ready to be put to use, which have the potential to completely change our daily lives.

What can we do against food waste? How the world can change to renewable energy in a cheapest, safest and fastest way? How can we apply circular concepts to our business, keeping the wheels turning in a sustainable and at the same time profitable way? How to apply all this to the daily routines of millions of people, transforming the planet in a short period of time?

The series will be shot all over Brazil and will look for answers to these and many other fundamental questions o four time.

Canal Brasil’s international child traffic series begins editing stage

April - 2022




Produced by Grifa Films, the five-episode series (52 minutes) is being edited by Kazem Serri, with scriptwriter Guilherme Aguilar.

As work has already begun, results are thrilling and most promissing!