In Production

Filming new Discovery Channel doc

January - 2025

We have finished the first leg of my new Discovery Channel documentary that discusses how trees (in native or preserved forests and in vast plantations) are fundamental to reduce the effects of global warming. To balance conservation and production using new BIOproducts made of cellulose – renewable, biodegradable and sustainable – may be the answer to diminish the pressure over logging and the use of natural enviroments to obtain wood. At the same time, replacing fossil-based raw materials with renewables, from forestry management.


A tough film to produce, at the edge of cientific research and discoveries, that opens up a world of possibilities, a so called “Green Revolution” that’s only beginning. First shooting flight ocurred at Bahia state, with the fabulous “forest planters”, and moved to São Paulo state, where we saw cutting edge labs and new products made of wood. February and March will take us to more adventures in different parts of Brazil: Bahia, São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina.


A heartful thank you to this talented and funny documentary crew: @fabioknoll@rafaelalozanoo@somdiretobrasil@domingues_daniel@mariana.polli. And at the offices: @minompinho@cgpnewman@kenya_zanatta@kroltrevisan@casa_redonda.



November - 2024

Third episode of “Geografia da Ausência” (Geography of Absence), my new HBO doc-series, traveled to Rondônia, a Brazilian state inside Amazon’s rainforest domains. Following the foosteps of photographer Marcela Bonfim, our film crew could experience the terrible drought in the region, leaving the mighty Maderia River like a sand desert. There is also serious economic consequences for communities alongside the river, which we were able to see and film.


Black communities on the region are many, most of them formed during the rubber cycle, during the late 19th century and first half of the 20th century. Besides remnants of slaves brought to the region from different parts of Brazil, there are also caribbean communities, formed from Barbados, Granada and other British colonies on the region. Today, they form a very solid cultural landscape, mixing different traditions and adding their own flavour to the mix.


“Geografia da Ausência” is produced by RedTerra Studios, with Producer & Artistic Director Gideon Boulting, Director of Photography Dado Carlin, Sound Miquéia Motta, Editing Tom Laterza and Original Music Maestro&Simon. Now we jump to the next phase, editing the episodes.



October - 2024

Second episode of my new doc-series “Geography of Absence”, which documents and amplifies the voice of great characters in their stories of struggles, weakness, injustice and resistence has been filmed in Matopiba region – a place inbetween the Brazilian states of Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí and Bahia. It’s a place surrounded by new farmland, devastation, land conflict and ilegal use of water (the region has the second largest aquifer in the country).



In our journey we followed the steps of Lalo Almeida – award-winning photojournalist whose experience documenting the decay of Brazilian biomes span some decades. The trip got to an end at Gilbués (PI), where desertification is a reality, showing us a very possible future.



“Geography of Absence” is a three-episode doc-series produced by RedTerra Studios, with executive producer & creative director Gideon Boulting, Dado Carlin DoP, Miquéias Motta: Sound, Tom LaTerza: Editor, Maestro&Simon: Music.


September - 2024

“Geografia da Ausência” (Geography of Absence) is my new doc-series. Produced by RedTerra Studios for HBO (WBD), the series travel to Brazil’s distant countryside searching for stories of oppression, silence, resistance and struggle. In this first episode, in Minas Gerais, we could learn – through the eyes of still photographer Isis Medeiros – about the lives of people threatened by the toxic mud produced by the intense mining activity that goes on here for centuries. Mining for iron ore produces this deadly mud stored in precarious dams. Up to now, some of them fell apart, killing hundreds of innocent people.


Death and grief, “dam terrorism”, control and domination strategies… Faith and hope resist in a place that is historically characterized by greed and opulence. There we lived difficult days of listening and learning. Our team is led by executive producer & artistic director Gideon Boulting, with writer Douglas Vieira and photography director Dado Carlin. During these 12 days we could follow the toxic mud, mapping this ‘geography of destruction’, discovering human tragedies and losses.


volta priscila premieres on disney+

September - 2024

“Volta Priscila”, my new True Crime doc-series, has premiered on Disney+ on September 25th. In four episodes, the series tells the tragic and mysterious story of Priscila Belfort – famous MMA champion Vitor Belfort’ sister, who disappeared without a trace more than 20 years ago, on January 2004. At Walt Disney Company headquarters, in São Paulo, we could show the whole series to the Belfort family, in a private session.


“Volta Priscila” is receiving very good reviews up to now and an intense promotion campaign throughout Brazil.


We could celebrate with the Belfort family and our Prodigo Films & Disney+ teams a very successful project! Thanks for your friendship and professionalism all the way through!



September - 2024

My new documentary feature-film “Iron Society – The Structure of Things” premiered on September 5th in São Paulo and Belo Horizonte cinemas. The film analyses the criminal tragedies of Mariana and Brumadinho, revealing the deep connection between mining companies and public authorities in the state of Minas Gerais. Based on the visionary poem “The World Machine” (1951), by the great Minas Gerais poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade, and testimonies from contemporary thinkers and activists, the documentary delves deep into the dark history of iron ore mining in Brazil and its connections with so called Globalization, with the current model of extreme consumerism and global exploitation, exposing a complex and wide panorama of events that underlies transnational corporate capitalism. During the whole week, the documentary had very good reviews in Brazilian online magazines and newspapers.



On the first exhibition day at Espaço Augusta, in São Paulo, we were honoured to receive a very importat guest: writer José Miguel Wisnik, whose contribution to the film is huge and central to the narrative. After reading his book “Maquinação do Mundo: Drummond e a Mineração” I had the insight to unfold my documentary main storyline.


With us on the picture is Eduardo Gripa, the film’s editor, who had a fantastic creative input. A big ‘thank you’ to the great Professor for making this a memorable night!


August - 2024

In August, I’ve been travelling some 2,500km through Brazil’s countryside filming a new documentary about Rally dos Sertões – the biggest off-road race in the Americas, the second most dangerous competition of its kind, only after Dakar. It’s an EndemolShineBR production that presents the race from inside the cockpit, showcasing the pilot and navigator perspectives and skills. With state-of-the-art technology and engeneering, cars and motobikes endure long distances during a 10-day period of competition.


Rally dos Sertões is in its 32nd edition and is considered a very tough and difficult race, crossing through many different terrains, with very high temperatures and complex logistics. Pilots and navigators have to find their ways at high speeds through uknown territory. The film is now in its editing stage and will be ready in November.



August - 2024

This year I had two projects selected for the 13th Ecofalante Film Festival – the largest Brazilian environmental film competition. “Sobre_Vivências”, produced by Tocha Filmes, discusses climate change/emergency and presents new ideas and possibile solutions to the present crisis. “Iron Society” is a full-lenght documentary feature film, produced by Prodigo Films, Globo Films and GNews, that investigates the ore mining activity in Brazil, combined with the powerful poetry of Carlos Drummond de Andrade – Brazil’s finest poet and a Minas Gerais State native. It was very good to meet friends and discover their opinions about these films!



July - 2024

My new documentary “Iron Society – The Structure of Things” premiered at a special screening last Wednesday, July 24th, at the second “Cinema, Mining and Environment” Film Festival, created by Camila and Luiz Taliberti Institute. The film presents a portrait of our post-modern society and its dependency on a lifestyle that has proven itself not sustainable. From the Mariana and Brumadinho mining disasters, Iron Society connects the profound poetry of famous Brazilian poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade (who was born in Minas Gerais, the most important iron ore mining district in the country) and the whole of transnational companies in corrupting democracies and globalization.


After the screening, I could discuss some ideas on the movie with Amanda Costa (environment activist and UN’s Climate Youth Ambassador) and Isadora Canela (visual artist from Brumadinho). The film will participate in other film festivals, screened on movie theaters and premiere on television in November, at Globo News cable channel.

“Stolen Lives” premiere party at Cine Belas Artes

June - 2024

“Stolen Lives – Isabella’s saga” is my new True Crime doc-series and it had its debut event last Monday, June 10th, at Cine Belas Artes, in São Paulo. The event celebrated the conclusion of a very difficult project which spanned almost six years! Produced by Grifa Films, the series dives deep into the cruel underworld of international child trafficking. During the event, Maurício Dias – producer and general director presented the whole team. At the stage were also Canal Brasil’s representative, our creative producer Marinho L. de Andrade, Bianca Corona, executive producer, and me. Shot in Brazil, France, Switzerland and Monaco, the series will debut on June 20th 9.p.m. at Canal Brasil and Globoplay.


“Volta Priscila” officially announced at Disney+ event in Rio

June - 2024

Last Tuesday (June 4th) was Disney+ super party, at Copacabana Palace Hotel, Rio de Janeiro. The event had two goals: announce the unification of Star+ and Disney’s content by the end of the month in the same platform: Disney+. It was also the opportunity to present the streaming’s new projects for 2024/25. Among many famous artists and sofisticated fiction series we were the only team to present a documentary true crime series. But the power of our story moved the whole audience that gave us a standing ovation. A very emotional moment for all of us!


“Volta Priscila” tells the sad and enigmatic story of Priscila Belfort, internationally famous MMA wrestler Vitor Belfort’s sister, who disappeared without a trace 20 years ago. It is the story of a missing person but also of a very suspicious police investigation, weird theories and an absence that is fullfilled in the series by hundreds of hours of vhs home videos made by her and the family.


Thanks to Prodigo Films and a wonderful crew of very talented friends and partners! Thanks to Disney+ and our friends there, who fought for the project and made it happen. And thanks to the Belfort Family – specially Jovita Belfort, a very brave woman who opened her heart to us, facing a tragic story that still has no end…


Stay tuned for releasing dates.

“Grains of History” premiered in Machado, Minas Gerais

May - 2024

My most recent documentary, “Grains of History” – about the saga of high quality coffee producers in south Minas Gerais state – premiered on the World Coffee Day, May 24th, at Arena Zuza in Machado, a small town which is the epicentre to Brazilian coffee culture.

“Grains of History” tells the story of different producers – from 4th generation land owners to italian immigrants and small organic producers, who produce coffee with passion, tradition and technology. Brazil is the biggest coffee production country in the world and its specialists, traders and the whole productive chain study and love this wonderful bevarage, helping make it get to all corners of the world.