We have finished the first leg of my new Discovery Channel documentary that discusses how trees (in native or preserved forests and in vast plantations) are fundamental to reduce the effects of global warming. To balance conservation and production using new BIOproducts made of cellulose – renewable, biodegradable and sustainable – may be the answer to diminish the pressure over logging and the use of natural enviroments to obtain wood. At the same time, replacing fossil-based raw materials with renewables, from forestry management.
A tough film to produce, at the edge of cientific research and discoveries, that opens up a world of possibilities, a so called “Green Revolution” that’s only beginning. First shooting flight ocurred at Bahia state, with the fabulous “forest planters”, and moved to São Paulo state, where we saw cutting edge labs and new products made of wood. February and March will take us to more adventures in different parts of Brazil: Bahia, São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina.
A heartful thank you to this talented and funny documentary crew: @fabioknoll, @rafaelalozanoo, @somdiretobrasil, @domingues_daniel, @mariana.polli. And at the offices: @minompinho, @cgpnewman, @kenya_zanatta, @kroltrevisan, @casa_redonda.