

September - 2023

Now that we are approaching the end of our “SobreVivências” project, with editing almost complete for its five episodes (5×60′), it is time for our last days of shooting, which end this week (09-15-23). Our crew visited Santos, some 70km from São Paulo and home of the largest port in South America, to discuss the rising of the oceans and ‘climate apartheid’. João Malavolta, from Ecosurf movement, was with us while we navigated by the rich areas of the city and, on the other side of the island, one of the biggest “favelas over stilts” in the country.

The team also met Trama Afetiva, a creative group of people in São Paulo that are transforming trashed old umbrellas in desirable fashion items, creating jobs for many people in this chain. Last, we’ve encountered Gisele Rocha, an active entrepreneur who created an education program for underpriviledged people, mostly from slums and communities around the metropolis, to teach them how to manage their finances and prevent over consumption and increasing banking debts.